Friday, June 22, 2007

Sticks and Stones

Why should I care what you call me? As long as you call me. I've been called everything in the book:
White Trash-I am white and a little trashy
Conceited-Its not conceit if its the truth
Cracker-I am not a food item but I do go great with cheese

If someone is gonna have the lack of social skills and vocabulary to call you a racial slur, by acknowledging the slur aren't you really the one perpetuating its impact? WHO CARES!
Just call me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Its Hot!!

I was driving to work at 5am this morning and it was 62 degrees. I was drinking hot coffee and trying to wake up and thought, Its kinda cool out right now but if I open my window it'll be too cold.
Is 62 degrees the perfect temperature? Or did the temperature of the coffee make me feel a little warmer? At no time was I willing to take my shirt off and get a suntan or roll down my window for that matter so 62 degrees cant be the perfect temperature.
It was 81 degrees when I got home this morning at 10am. I took off my shirt and watered my apple trees and thought its really nice right now with the breeze of Spanish Springs blowing thru. So was it really 81 degrees that I was feeling or a little cooler cuz of the breeze?
I hate being cold and love being hot however when it's cold I put on a lot of layers in hopes that I never actually cold and when its hot I like to play in the lake or river to keep myself cool.
Maybe there is no perfect temperature.
Maybe its just best that I dont know what the perfect temperature is because if I ever found out and was driving to work at the perfect temperature I'd be thinking

CRAP!....Its the perfect temperature and I'm gonna waste it at work!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

is watermelon that good?

It's watermelon season again and that doesn't mean you can now go out and hunt watermelon, what I mean is....This is the time of year where people start eating a lot of watermelon. Every year I get a watermelon and every year I hear somebody say

" I love watermelon,....If I was ever stranded on a desert Island and could only bring one food I'd bring watermelon."

Is watermelon that good? If I was stranded on a desert Island and could only bring one food I'd bring a Bully's Sports Bar! Seriously! I like watermelon just as much as the next guy but if I could plan for my desertion an an Island, Id plan on being stranded on an Island with a Bully's.

"No dude, get stranded and you are only allowed to bring one food with you." they say.

Who's regulating what food I can bring If I'm stranded? That just makes me think that all of a sudden I'm not actually stranded. I've actually just been kidnapped by a person who wants to know what kind of melon is my favorite.

I like watermelon however I don't like watermelon enough to give up my freedom so some wacko kidnapper can put me on a desert island just to find out what kind of one food diet I'd prefer to eat until a ship finally finds me with a 3rd degree sunburn.

Watermelon is great but don't put me in a scenario where I have to choose the only food I'm allowed to eat. Kidnappers take note........The island you put me on better have a Bully's.